
digital artist and author



Webcomics, anthologies, graphic novels, etc.

‣‣‣ Insecurity
‣ 4 page short

‣‣‣ The Temple of Kneeling
‣ Excerpt from Ambrosia: an erotic transmasc comic anthology. NSFW.

‣‣‣ Snow & Static
‣ From Tales of the Unknown: a cryptid comic anthology.

‣‣‣ Underworld Engine
‣ Retired fantasy adventure webcomic.



Characters, environments, vis dev, etc.


About + Contact

Who is feardeer anyway?

‣‣‣ feardeer
‣ feardeer is a transmasc digital artist and author with a passion for grotesque speculative fiction and horror (cosmic horror, body horror, and surreal horror in particular) saturated with explorations and celebrations of queer romance and identity.

‣‣‣ Contact
‣ I am not currently accepting commissions.
‣ For all other professional inquiries, including, email [email protected]
‣ Response times vary but should not exceed 1 week.


Commission Info

Everything you need to know before requesting a commission!

‣ Personal commissions are currently CLOSED.

‣‣‣ Terms
‣ ‣ Payments are made via Paypal.
‣ ‣ Commissions under $100 will be paid up front, in full. Commissions at or above $100 will pay 50% up front, 50% upon completion.
‣ ‣ Refunds will only be offered if the artist is unable to complete the piece (full refund) or the commissioner requests a refund before the artist has begun work (80% refund).
‣ ‣ Revisions are offered at various WIP stages, as requested by the commissioner.
‣ ‣ Major revisions are limited to pre-ink/line stages.
‣ ‣ No rights transferred. Artist retains copyright to all artwork created; commissioner retains copyright to their respective designs.
‣ ‣ Attribution is required whenever possible & should link to feardeer.com or @feardeerest on twitter.
‣ ‣ Derivatives are not permitted. Cropping, resizing, and rotating are allowed.
‣ ‣ Commissioners are granted a personal use, non-commercial license upon their final payment. Commercial use licensing may be purchased for an additional fee.
Prohibited Content
‣ ‣ Anything that promotes, endorses, or encourages any hateful or derogatory messaging or ideology.
‣ ‣ This includes, but is not limited to: transphobic, homophobic, bi/panphobic, ableist, fatphobic, misogynistic, and racist content, or anything meant to harass or bully an individual or marginalized group.
‣ ‣ I do not and will never create or participate in NFTs.



Small press & indie publications & contributions.

Ambrosia by Discord Comics | Purchase
Tales of the Unknown by Wildstar Press | Purchase
Twisting Time by Megan Archer | Not Available
Interpret This Dream by Bad Birdie Comics | Kickstarting Soon!

Indiepocalypse by Pizzapranks | Issues 16, 20 & 21

‣‣‣Art Books
Beauty of the Beast by Wool Wolf Comics (2020) | Purchase
Summer of She-Ra, a She-Ra: Princesses of Power fan book (2019)
Tales of the Four Nations, an Avatar: the Last Airbender fan book (2019)
Rouxls Ruleseth, a Deltarune fan book (2019)
Bonds Across Time, an Inuyasha fan book (2018)



Prints, ebooks, asset packs & more!

item title

Description of the item in two lines or less.

zines and comics

Description of the item in two lines or less.

CSP brushes

Description of the item in two lines or less.

Iron-on Patches

Description of the item in two lines or less.